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Advantage of UV Light Technology over Chemical Cleaners RSS Feed

How UV Light Technology Works

Germ-Killing Light Targets the DNA & RNA of Microbes. DNA & RNA is the genetic material that makes up all living organisms, controlling their growth, development, functioning and reproduction. UV light produces electromagnetic energy that can destroy the ability of microorganisms to reproduce and cause inactivation of microbes by causing mutations and/or cell death.


Advantage of UV Light Technology over Chemical Cleaners


·         Environmentally-friendly

·         No chemicals smell or residue

·         Fast & Easy

·         Affordable

·         Silent

·         Kills rapidly - starting within seconds

·         Microbial cells cannot develop resistance to this technology 

·         Proven ability to be able to deploy it safely to kill bacteria, mold, fungi, and even viruses





UV Warning: Do not look at the light source with naked eye; avoid light from falling on skin

Ozone Warning: Do not breath Ozone, always ventilate area before entering area that was purified/sanitized with Ozone.


09 Nov UV Light Disinfection
TeamUV 27 7242
What is ultraviolet sterilization? How does it work?Ultraviolet light sterilization is not a new concept, after all, it is the same method that Mother Nature uses through the rays of the sun! However, the use of UV light by humans to sterilize and disinfect items has been in common use since the mid-20th century. UV light can kill the bacteria, vir..
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